Four Keys to Freedom: Body Sensing, Trauma-Release Exercises (TRE), Mindful Witnessing, and Byron Katie’s the Work

By Adam J. Pearson Introduction: The Cost of Stories That Argue With Reality We’ve all had this experience. It’s so basic and universal that it seems to be part of the human condition. I’ve heard friends express it in Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia. The experience goes something like this: a painful thought arises in…

Anger: The Fierce Mask of Suffering

By Adam J. Pearson Introduction Anger can sometimes seem to loom over us like a baffling monster, terrifying and powerful. It can appear to rage through through the bodies of otherwise harmless people and possess them like demons. A flurry of yelling, a bombardment of hurtful words, and an explosion of harmful actions often follow when anger boils…

The Heart of the Void: Finding the Assumptions At the Core of Shame

By Adam J. Pearson Introduction: What is Shame? In previous articles, I’ve written about the nature of shame, this powerful feeling of deficiency or lack that we sometimes experience at the heart of ourselves. Shame is the name of the void we feel within us, the void that other people’s approval and attention cannot fill. Shame…