Being and Nonduality

We first have sensations. The brain sorts the sensations based on intuited differences. The mind then uses memory and concepts to label the differences and distinguish the objects. It then reifies the concepts and projects them onto sensation. And this is how we come to see the world as dual through the lenses of our…

The Dance of Meaning

Every thing in the universe, though finite in physical properties, is infinite in its power to signify, to hold meaning. A single object can take on infinite meanings, which vary with the minds, conditionings, perspectives, paradigms, and lenses through which it is seen. We cannot hope to exhaust these meanings, but only to explore them…

Valuable Philosophy

Valuable philosophy does not emerge from a void; it emerges from the conversational meetings between people and from the philosopher’s interactions with the ideas of the past, the realities of the present, and the problems of the future. Roxsana Adriana Donisanu, 1984. Title: “Cubist Dialogue.” 2004 Original Oil on Canvas. 47 x 55 inches.

A Dialogue About Truth and Right

Alex Ederer: I am not a realist, or a pessimistic, i’m an idealist. I chase my own ideals, and expect all others to do the same, without regards to my ideals. Adam: Then you’re a perspectivist idealist. Alex: I’m a rational unitary actor. Adam: What do you mean by that? Alex:  That i work for my…

On a Perennial Rhetorical Technique for Turning People Against Others

One of the most ancient and effective techniques of the provocative rhetorician is based on a very simple idea: “if you want to make people turn on something, simply associate it with something they hate and fear already.” We find examples of this idea all throughout human history from Ancient Roman speeches to Nazi and…

On the Difference Between a Chef and a Cook

Cooks follow the recipes of others; Chefs create their own. A cook knows how to prepare a recipe; a Chef understands the unique taste of each ingredient and how best to combine them to produce extraordinary experiences of flavour. A fitting analogy can be drawn from the arts. Chefs are like master artists who produce…