The Prison and the Key: Why I Write About Shame

By Adam J. Pearson The Wisdom of Eamonn Perkins Eamonn Perkins is a wise, humble and tremendously compassionate teacher from Ireland who spends much of his time working with addicts and prisoners. He’s so low-key that, as of this writing, he doesn’t even have a website. In a 2014 interview, Eamonn said something brilliantly concise and and equally incisive: “If you…

Catastrophizing: How to Handle Worst-Case Scenario Thinking

By Adam J. Pearson Introduction: An Embarrassing Story from Culinary School When I was in culinary school, I took a course in Advanced Small-Quantity Cooking with a true master Chef. Chef Buttler was so good that he worked as an examiner of the top Chefs in Canada who wanted to attain the exalted rank of Certified Chef de Cuisine (CCC),…